Who is Copy Riot?

Copy Riot is me. I’m Laurie, a creative copywriter and fiction author from Wales, UK.

I founded Copy Riot after working as a copywriter for almost a decade. I’ve now supported various businesses and industries with delicious copy for years as a freelance writer for hire.

These days, I live in rural(ish) South Wales with my partner and my dog Luna (who is also my occasional desk mate and sharer of digestive biscuits).

I know how great content and copy can change everything for a brand.

Great copy can make you look more professional, showcase your offerings clearly and concisely, appeal to your audience and show off your unique personality.

Buuuut … producing professional copy consistently day after day can take time and resources that a lot of businesses don’t have.

As a professional freelance copywriter, I can produce winning copy that’ll give you more time to do what you do best.

Need some (winning) copy now? Let’s chat over an oat latte.